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devote to例句
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This day I should devote to a hasty glimpse of the world, past and present.

这一天,我要用来匆忙地扫视这个世界, 它的过去和现在.

We often neglect our mothers eelings and all which she devote to.


We devote to serving mainland business real estate.


Now, recent investigations devote to gene, and think it one of the major aetiological factors.

目前最新的研究致力于圆锥角膜病的基因研究, 并认为是主要的病因之一.

The more you devote to it, the more pleasure you reap from it.

你投入得越多, 你就能从中获得更多的乐趣.

We devote to companies helping them succeed with their demands for high - caliber and perceiving talents.


We devote to domestic trade of international famous brand for refrigeration compressor and auto - control organ.


They will devote to something that can rouse their sense of reality and pursue for security.


Diligent responsible and devote to job, availabe to travel to different province for inspection.

工作勤勉,责任心强, 能不定期的到不同的地方出差.

We devote to provide output management service for domestic commercial real estate developers and retail developers.


"devote to"的基本信息





